TMMOB Odalar 30 Haziran 2024, Pazar
Participants who wish to give a presentation (oral or poster) must submit an Abstract in the style, layout and format (please cilick)and in accordance with guidelines outlined in the Kurultai Website. We recommend that the actual text of the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes. Abstracts must be associated to a Session of the Kurultai Scientific Programme, and the submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the Kurultai by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors.
Abstracts are to be submitted electronically using "Online Submission Link" at our website and we do not accept abstract in hard copy or camera -ready version. For further details please visit our website.
All abstracts must arrive before January 30, 2009. Each participant may submit up two abstracts in which they appear as presenting author. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse contributions on the basis of the abstracts. Participants are invited to submit their papers to any of the sessions they wish. The authors may choose either oral or poster form for presentation of their paper, but please indicate your preference for presentation. The Scientific Committee will take the author‘s preference for oral or poster session into full consideration, but the final decision will be made by the Committee. Submission of an abstract means the work is original and has not been submitted elsewhere.
All abstracts will be compiled and published in an Abstract Volume. Participants will receive the Volume upon check-in at the Convention Centre. We wish to publish selected complete papers in one or more International Journals in the form of thematic or special issues or even a bundle of thematic papers in a journal, if satisfactory arrangement can be made.
Authors whose abstract has been received and successfully processes will receive and acknowledgement regarding the receipt and status of their contribution as well as its Abstract Identification Number for future updating/correction or withdrawal, respectively.
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