TMMOB Odalar 30 Haziran 2024, Pazar
Oral Mode- The normal length of an oral presentation is 20 minutes, including five minutes for discussion. Projection equipment consists of a data-show, one overhead projector and two screens.
Organizing Committee strongly encourages all speakers giving oral presentation to use DataShow in making presentations. The speakers‘ information will be available at meeting‘s web-site at least 6 weeks prior to the meeting at the very latest.
Poster Mode- For each poster, free standing display boards which provide display space approximately 120 cm high and 90 cm wide, will be allocated. A prize for the best poster will be awarded by the Programme Committee at the end of the Kurultai and the following criteria are used to evaluate the posters and choose a winner: visual impact, clarity and scholarly contribution. The award will be presented to the recipient at closing ceremony.
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
Place the title of your paper prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your paper easily. Indicate the title and the author(s) names of your paper. Highlight the author‘s name, address and e-mail information.
Priority must be given to visual elements as photographs, figures, maps, graphs, etc, rather than a text. Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 1.0 metre. Use different font sizes and styles, perhaps even colour and double-space all text. Use different colours or textures for each line or bars contained in your graphs or charts. Organize the paper on the posterboard so that it is clear, orderly, and self explanatory.