TMMOB Odalar 30 Haziran 2024, Pazar

Abstracts should be short, clear, concise and written both in Turkish and English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. For non-Turkish participants, Organizing Committee will provide a help to translate abstracts into Turkish. Mathematical symbols and equations must be typed in the text, and metric symbols should be used. Standard abbreviations may be used. Each abstract should include title, author(s), institution(s), country, postal code and e-mail of the corresponding author.

The following example should be used for preparing abstracts. 


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Abstract Layout for 63rd Geological Congress of Turkey 

Utku Bağcı1, Osman Parlak2 & Volker Höck3 

1 Mersin University, Geological Engineering Department, Çiftlikköy, TR-33342 Mersin, Turkey

2 Cukurova University, Geological Engineering Department, Balcalı, TR-01330 Adana, Turkey


3 University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria 


   Main body of the text should follow the given example in preparing your abstract. The indentation of the first lines of paragraphs should be 1.25 cm, and single line spacing should be used.   


During preparation of main text, the format given and explanations must be taken into account. 

  1. The title of contribution must be typed in lower-case letters with capital initial letter for the major words (Times New Roman, 13 points; Bold),
  2. One blank line space must be left after the title,
  3. The author name(s) and address(es) and its references (number or symbol) must be written in lower-case letters (Times New Roman, 11 points; Bold). In case a presentation has more than 10 authors, we advise that the abbreviation of the contact author and the team of co-authors should be used.
  4. The title, author and address lines must be aligned centered. One blank line space must be left after the author block,
  5. Please also note that full addresses with postal codes should be given in the following line,
  6. The e-mail address of corresponding author must also be added (Times New Roman, 10 points),
  7. One blank line space must be left after the address block. There is no need for a blank line space between addresses,
  8. Abstract and main text must be aligned justified (Times New Roman, 11 points),
  9. One blank line space must be left after abstract text,
  10. There is no need to give a blank line space between paragraphs.


Keywords: The author(s) should provide 4-6 keywords (Times New Roman, 11 points) to assist the reader. Plural words and capital letters should be avoided. Keywords should be written in lower-case letters and be separated by commas. 

Page layout: The abstract(s) will not exceed an A4 size or 300 words.

Margins: The abstract  will be arranged as below margins.

            Upper: 2,5 

      Left: 3,0  Right: 2,0

            Lower: 2,0    (in cm)