TMMOB Odalar 30 Haziran 2024, Pazar


Registration fee is 200 Euro, which includes the proceedings.

Methods of payments

Registration fees must be paid in full. Payments can be made by bank draft or bank transfer. Submit one form per registrant. Bank transfer should be addressed to:
TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası
68. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı

T.C. Ziraat Bankası, Yenişehir Şubesi
IBAN: TR130001000471390090405058 (TL)
IBAN: TR830001000471390090405059 (DOLAR)
IBAN: TR560001000471390090405060 (EURO)


If you are to stay in a hotel in Ankara, the Executive Committee will help you to arrange an accommodation upon request. The Hotel rates range from US $75 - 250. For further details please visit website at